Birthing new projects, manifest creativity, change life circumstances
Changing Life Circumstances
New Mothers, Birthing Projects,
New Timezones, Manifest Creativity.Moonstone, Malachite, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Chrysocolla & Clear Quartz.
Rose Geranium, Vanilla, Clary Sage, Jasmine & Lavender
Birthing Auric Spray aids in creating and adapting to new life circumstances… from pregnancy* and motherhood, to materialising projects, or adapting to new living situations. Navigate changing life circumstances with support and ease. Adaptation to new life circumstances requires physical adaptation from one state of being to another. As our bodies are so influenced by the moon, the tempos regulating pulses, circadian/ dural fluid rhythms, menstrual rhythms and the different liquids in the body (including breast milk) are also ebbing and flowing. Flying between different timezones, for example, has an impact on these rhythms. The particular crystals in this blend all support our natural biorhythms to assist in regeneration and renewal to keep momentum for change going.
The Spray is also wonderful for providing energetic support for soon-to-be mothers* – before, during and after birth. By using it to energetically clear and charge the Aura of a pregnant woman with protective, welcoming and loving energies, it assists her smooth transition to this new life stage, while supporting her to experience childbirth with openness, courage, and flexibility. Malachite and amethyst have traditionally been used by Doulas to ‘protect’ mothers in labour.
Enriching vitality and being able to materialise and ground your creative ideas to welcome projects and babies from a space of Love and self-esteem through Auric tonification is this Sprays gift. If you face any change in life circumstances such as loss, a change of house, becoming a parent, moving to another country, adopting a pet etc. it assists to transit these moments feeling empowered with Love. Moonstone is a key crystal included in this blend and is great for strengthening connection with your creativity and feminine (the creative) energy.
*Avoid use during first trimester